Dis-allowed Domain names / regions

Every certificate authority (CA) has it is own rules and list of dis-allowed domain names or prohibited regions/countries. Those rules are also affected by Embargo rules of the country where CA's Headquarters located.
  • Restrictions by Sectigo, Comodo, GoGetSSL

    • AF Afghanistan
    • CI Cote d'Ivoire
    • CU Cuba
    • ER Eritrea
    • GN Guinea
    • IQ Iraq
    • IR Iran, Islamic Republic of
    • KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
    • LR Liberia
    • MM Myanmar
    • RW Rwanda
    • SD Sudan
    • SL Sierra Leone
    • SS South Sudan
    • SY Syrian Arab Republic
    • ZW Zimbabwec
    • Crimea (Russia)

    Restrictions by DigiCert, RapidSSL, Thawte, Geotrust

    • Same Countries and TLD as Sectigo
    • Japan is under special pricing by DigiCert, most pricing for Japan is 3-4x times higher compared to other countries. We do not supply any DigiCert SSL to Japan, so please use Sectigo or GoGetSSL