Order stuck for manual check

Sectigo and DigiCert certification authority managers require reviewing all orders manually if an order flagged for manual review/check. Typically it takes around 1-2 working days to review orders. Make sure your website is online and working while they make manual check, as they may reject SSL if no website uploaded. There are multiple reasons why an order may be "frozen" for manual check.
  • Most common reasons to stuck for Manual or Brand validation

    • Some countries may be reviewed manually, for example South Korea, North Korea, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq;
    • Restricted country. The order is from countries like Afghanistan (AF), Cote d'Ivoire (CI), Cuba (CU), Eritrea (ER), Guinea (GN), Iraq (IQ), Iran (IR), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (KP), Liberia (LR), Myanmar (MM), Rwanda (RW), Sudan (SD), Sierra Leone (SL), South Sudan (SS), Syrian Arab Republic (SY), Zimbabwe (ZW).
    • Domain name includes the famous Brand name, for example, facebook-app.com, sony-shop.net, dellshop.com;
    • Domain name has a similar brand name, for example, your domain is "sibmama.com", but the validation system may read it as "sIBMama" and flag "IBM" brand. Managers check such cases manually;
    • Domain name has "stop words", for example, "pay, online, secure, booking, shop, bank, transfer, money, e-payment, payment, protection, violence, terrorists, and others", in that case validation also will be manual;
    • Domain name is blacklisted OR has a bad reputation;

    What can I do to speed up the process?

    You may try to contact Sectigo and DigiCert managers directly via live chat and try to discuss the situation with your order.