Reissue SSL / Change Domain name

We provide unlimited free reissues for any SSL purchased at our store. The reissue requires if you have lost a private key, changing your server, or for any other reason. It is possible to reissue SSL certificate with "active/issued" status only. It is not possible to reissue SSL while it is processing or another reissue request pending.
  • Most common reasons to reissue SSL

    • You have lost the Private key (RSA Key);
    • You are moving website to new web server;
    • You received “modulus mismatch” error during installation process;
    • You decided to change the common name;
    • You are adding/modifying SAN items for Multi-domain certificates;
    • Certificate Authority requires to reissue SSL due to significant changes in the industry or other serious reasons;

    How To reissue SSL

    1. Login to client area:
    2. Go to "SSL certificates" and find your SSL, click "Details" button
    3. Click the "Reissue" button
    4. Submit new CSR code to the form
    5. Select the DCV validation method
    6. Follow the Reissue process
    7. Domain validation SSL will be reissued once you complete the domain validation process. OV/EV certificates require short recheck by the certification center, it takes 12-24 hours
    8. Reinstall new files to your server once you receive reissued files

    Changing SAN items

    You can update SAN items for your Multi-Domain SSL certificate during the reissue process. Please note, we ignore SAN items listed in the CSR code and use the ones submitted in special fields using Reissue form.

    Changing the common name

    • Sectigo and GoGetSSL certificates allow changing the common name (Domain) during the reissue process. All you need is to submit new CSR with the new common name during reissue. Please note, the previous SSL would be instantly revoked.
    • It is not allowed changing the common name for single-domain SSL certificates for GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Thawte and DigiCert brands.

    Things to remember!

    • SSL will be reissued automatically without any revalidation process in case you are using the same (original) CSR code.
    • Previous SSL will be revoked instantly, if you will submit new common name in the CSR code.
    • You will need to validate NEW SAN item only, if you reissue Multi-Domain SSL using original CSR code.

    Reissue Sectigo Code Signing certificate

    1. Login to using credentials used when you were filling the form to request the SSL;
    2. Find the "Replace" button and click it
    3. Sectigo will start processing reissue for you.

    Reissue Thawte/DigiCert Code Signing certificate

    1. Go to CertCentral and request access to your order
    2. Replace/Reissue Code Signing SSL using End User Portal