SSL warranty

    • The certificate authorities provide an additional guarantee for the safety of your online business and the operation of the site. Warranty is one of the key elements of a certificate and can be a strong argument when choosing one. This guarantee is paid to visitors to your site who relied on the certificate and incurred losses directly as a result of an online credit card transaction and incorrect issuance of SSL certificate. This guarantee is paid on the outstanding amount of the transaction, not exceeding the maximum transaction value specified for the corresponding type of certificate.

      VeriSign (Symantec) certificates were the first offering a $1 million warranties. Today, most leading CAs has few products with that level or higher, classically it is extended validation certs.

      Fraudulent and phishing websites are growing daily and it is critically important to validate the business. The CAs performs careful verification processes to make sure your business is legit and able to receive OV or EV certificates. Paying for SSL never grants you it will be issued, even large companies may fail verification as same rules for all.

    Warranty amount

    Here is a list of all certificates we sell in our SSL store with warranties:

    GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium (Flex)   $500,000
    GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SAN   $500,000
    GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard   $500,000
    GeoTrust TrueBusinessID (Flex)   $1,250,000
    GeoTrust TrueBusinessID EV   $1,500,000
    GeoTrust TrueBusinessID EV SAN   $1,500,000
    GeoTrust TrueBusinessID SAN   $1,250,000
    GeoTrust TrueBusinessID SAN Wildcard   $1,250,000
    GeoTrust TrueBusinessID Wildcard   $1,250,000
    GoGetSSL™ BusinessTrust   $250,000
    GoGetSSL™ BusinessTrust EV   $1,000,000
    GoGetSSL™ BusinessTrust EV SAN   $1,000,000
    GoGetSSL™ BusinessTrust SAN   $250,000
    GoGetSSL™ BusinessTrust Wildcard   $250,000
    GoGetSSL™ Domain SSL   $50,000
    GoGetSSL™ Multi-Domain SSL (Flex)   $50,000
    GoGetSSL™ Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL   $50,000
    GoGetSSL™ Public IP SAN   $50,000
    GoGetSSL™ 90-day Trial SSL   $50,000
    GoGetSSL™ Wildcard SSL   $50,000
    GoGetSSL™ Code Signing SSL   unavailable
    GoGetSSL™ EV Code Signing   unavailable
    RapidSSL Standard   $10,000
    RapidSSL Trial   $10,000
    RapidSSL WildcardSSL   $10,000
    DigiCert Extended Validation Code Signing   $500,000
    DigiCert Basic OV (Flex)   $1,250,000
    DigiCert Wildcard   $1,250,000
    DigiCert Basic EV   $1,500,000
    DigiCert Secure Site   $2,000,000
    DigiCert Secure Site EV   $1,750,000
    DigiCert Secure Site PRO   $2,000,000
    DigiCert Secure Site PRO EV   $2,000,000
    DigiCert Secure Site PRO Wildcard   $2,000,000
    DigiCert Secure Site Wildcard   $1,750,000
    Thawte SSL 123 (Flex)   $500,000
    Thawte SSL 123 Wildcard   $500,000
    Thawte Web Server EV   $1,500,000
    Thawte Web Server SSL   $1,250,000
    Thawte Wildcard SSL Certificate   $1,250,000
    Sectigo Code Signing SSL   Unavailable
    Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL   Unavailable
    Sectigo EnterpriseSSL   $1,500,000
    Sectigo EnterpriseSSL Pro   $1,500,000
    Sectigo EnterpriseSSL Pro EV   $2,000,000
    Sectigo EnterpriseSSL Pro EV MDC   $2,000,000
    Sectigo EnterpriseSSL Pro Wildcard   $1,500,000
    Sectigo Essential SSL   $10,000
    Sectigo Essential Wildcard SSL   $10,000
    Sectigo EV SSL   $1,750,000
    Sectigo InstantSSL   $50,000
    Sectigo InstantSSL Premium   $250,000
    Sectigo InstantSSL Pro   $100,000
    Sectigo Multi-Domain EV SSL   $1,750,000
    Sectigo Multi-Domain SSL   $250,000
    Sectigo Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL   $250,000
    Sectigo Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL OV   $250,000
    Sectigo Platinum SSL   $1,000,000
    Sectigo PositiveSSL   $50,000
    Sectigo PositiveSSL EV   $1,000,000
    Sectigo PositiveSSL EV MDC   $1,000,000
    Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain   $50,000
    Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Wildcard   $50,000
    Sectigo PositiveSSL Wildcard   $50,000
    Sectigo Premium Wildcard SSL   $250,000
    Sectigo SSL Certificate   $500,000
    Sectigo SSL UCC DV   $250,000
    Sectigo SSL UCC OV   $250,000
    Sectigo UCC DV Wildcard SSL   $250,000
    Sectigo UCC OV Wildcard SSL   $250,000
    Sectigo SSL Wildcard   $500,000
    Sectigo Trial SSL   $50,000